How to Grill Delicious Salmon on  Blackstone Grill

If you’re in the mood for a tasty and healthy meal, grilled salmon on Blackstone is a great option. And with a Blackstone grill, you can easily cook up a delicious meal in no time. Follow these simple steps to prepare and grill your salmon on Blackstone to perfection.

Recipe for Salmon on Blackstone


1/4 cup soy sauce

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons honey 

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 minced garlic cloves 

1 teaspoon grated  ginger

1/2 teaspoon  black pepper

Optional: chopped fresh herbs such as dill, parsley, or cilantro for garnish

Marinating the Salmon:

Soy sauce, olive oil, honey or maple syrup, lemon juice, grated ginger, chopped garlic, and black pepper should be combined in a bowl. Using these components results in a harmonious blend of acidic, savoury, and sweet flavours.

Pour the marinade over the salmon fillets that have been placed in a shallow dish or a zip-top bag. Make sure the salmon is equally coated on both sides. Use plastic wrap to protect the dish if using one. If using a bag, be sure to remove all the air before sealing it.

Salmon should be marinated in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, ideally for 1 to 2 hours. This improves the taste of the fish by allowing the flavours to permeate it. Alternatively, you may leave the salmon in a marinade overnight.

Preheat your Blackstone grill.

Before you start grilling your salmon, make sure your Blackstone grill is preheated to the right temperature. For salmon, you’ll want to set your grill to medium-high heat, around 375-400 degrees Fahrenheit. This will ensure that your salmon cooks evenly and doesn’t stick to the grill. Give your grill about 10-15 minutes to preheat before you start cooking.

Use your preferred spices to season the Salmon on Blackstone:

Once your Blackstone grill is preheated, it’s time to season your salmon with your favourite spices. Rub the spices onto both sides of the salmon fillet, making sure to coat it evenly. This will add flavour and help create a delicious crust on the outside of the salmon.

Place the salmon skin-side down on the grill:

Once your salmon is seasoned, it’s time to place it on the grill. Make sure the grill is hot and well-oiled to prevent sticking. Place the salmon skin-side down on the grill and let it cook for about 4-5 minutes. 

Don’t move the salmon around too much, as this can cause it to stick or fall apart. After 4-5 minutes, use a spatula to carefully flip the salmon over and cook for 2-3 minutes on the other side. The salmon should be cooked through but still moist and flaky. Serve with your favourite sides and enjoy!

Cook for 4-6 minutes on each side, depending on thickness.

Salmon on Blackstone cooking tip:

  1. When grilling salmon on Blackstone grill, it’s important to cook it for the right amount of time to ensure it’s fully cooked but still moist and flavorful. Depending on the thickness of your salmon, you’ll want to cook it for 4-6 minutes on each side. 

2. Keep an eye on the salmon as it cooks and use a spatula to flip it over halfway through cooking carefully. With a little practice, you’ll be grilling up delicious salmon on your Blackstone grill in no time!

Serve and enjoy your perfectly grilled salmon on Blackstone!

Once your salmon is fully cooked, it’s time to serve and enjoy! You can pair it with various sides, such as roasted vegetables, rice, or a fresh salad. For an extra burst of flavour, try adding a squeeze of lemon juice or a sprinkle of fresh herbs like dill or parsley. With its delicious taste and health benefits, grilled salmon is the perfect meal for any occasion.

Some tips and tricks for your Salmon on Blackstone:

1. Setting the Cooking Time for Salmon with Skin:

 It is advised to begin grilling salmon fillets with the skin side down if they have the skin still on. The salmon’s skin serves as a barrier to keep it from adhering to the grill grate. For the skin to become crispy and tasty, cook the salmon with the skin side down for a few minutes longer than the suggested cooking time. The fillets should then be gently flipped over to finish cooking on the flesh side.

2. Marinating the Salmon:

Always try to make sure that you have marinated the salmon about two to three before the grilling. It gives a good taste because all the ingredients are mixed very well into the salmon.

How to cook backend Salmon on the stovetop?

Cooking salmon on the stovetop is a delicious and easy way to prepare this flavorful fish in case you don’t want to cook salmon on Blackstone. Here’s a step-by-step guide to cooking salmon on the stovetop:

1. Choose your salmon: Look for fresh salmon fillets with firm, shiny flesh. Opt for wild-caught salmon for the best flavour and sustainability.

2. Prepare the salmon: Rinse the salmon fillets under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels. Season the fillets with salt and pepper or your preferred seasoning blend.

3. Heat the pan: Place a large skillet or non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Add a small amount of cooking oil, such as olive oil or vegetable oil, and let it heat up until shimmering.

4. Sear the salmon: Gently place the seasoned salmon fillets into the hot pan, skin-side down if they have skin. Cook for about 4-5 minutes without moving them, allowing the skin to crisp up and the flesh to develop a golden-brown crust.

5. Flip and cook: Carefully flip the salmon fillets using a spatula. If the salmon has skin, it should easily release from the pan. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillets, until the flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork. Adjust the cooking time if you prefer your salmon more or less cooked.

6. Add flavour (optional): While cooking the salmon, you can add additional flavours. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the fillets or sprinkle them with herbs like dill, thyme, or parsley for added freshness and aroma.

7. Serve and enjoy: Remove the cooked salmon from the pan and let it rest for a minute. This will enable it to keep its moisture.

. Serve the salmon hot and enjoy it as is or pair it with your favourite side dishes like roasted vegetables, steamed rice, or a refreshing salad.

Remember, cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the salmon fillets, so adjust accordingly. It’s important not to overcook salmon to keep it moist and flavorful. With these simple steps, you’ll have a delicious stovetop salmon dish that’s sure to impress.

How to clean salmon with lemon to cook salmon on Blackstone?

Cleaning salmon with lemon is a great way to enhance its flavour while also removing any potential fishy odours. Here’s a simple method to clean salmon with lemon:

1. Gather the necessary ingredients and tools:

   – Fresh salmon fillets

   – Fresh lemons

   – Cutting board

   – Sharp knife

   – Paper towels

2. Rinse the salmon: Start by rinsing the salmon fillets under cold running water to remove any loose scales or debris. Pat them dry gently with paper towels.
3. Prepare the lemons: Cut the lemons in half. Squeeze the juice from one or two lemons, depending on the size and number of salmon fillets you have. Set aside the fresh lemon juice for later use.
4. Lemon cleaning: Take one of the lemon halves and rub the flesh side directly onto the surface of the salmon fillets. Apply gentle pressure while rubbing the lemon all over the fillets, ensuring the flesh comes into contact with the lemon juice.
5. Let it sit: Once you have finished rubbing the lemon onto the salmon, let it sit for a few minutes, allowing the lemon juice to penetrate the flesh and work its magic. This will help remove any fishy odors.
6. Rinse and pat dry: After the salmon has had a few minutes to rest, rinse it under cold water again to remove any lemon juice residue. Pat the salmon dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture.
7. Additional seasoning: If desired, you can season the salmon with salt, pepper, or any other herbs and spices you prefer.

Your salmon is now clean and ready to be cooked or prepared according to your recipe of choice. The lemon cleaning method helps remove any unwanted odors while also imparting a refreshing citrus flavor to the fish. Enjoy your delicious salmon meal!

How long can salmon stay in the refrigerator (salmon on Blackstone)?

Before it needs to be consumed or cooked, salmon can be stored in the refrigerator for a specific amount of time. The following are some general principles:

Fresh Salmon: It is advisable to prepare or consume fresh salmon within 1-2 days after purchase if you obtained it from a reliable source. This assures the best possible flavour and freshness. If you are unable to prepare it within this time limit, you can freeze it to extend its shelf life.

Salmon on Blackstone: Salmon that has been cooked and is being stored in the refrigerator should keep for up to 3–4 days. To preserve its quality, make sure to store the cooked salmon in an airtight container or securely wrapped in plastic.

Frozen salmon: may be kept for a long time in the freezer, whether it was bought frozen or frozen while it was fresh. Frozen salmon may retain its freshness for up to two to three months, or even longer if it is wrapped carefully and kept in airtight containers or freezer bags.

If you have raw salmon that hasn’t been frozen, you should utilise it within a couple of days to guarantee freshness. To preserve its quality, store it in the refrigerator at or below 40°F (4°C) at all times.

It’s crucial to remember that these suggestions are only general advice and that the freshness and quality of the salmon might vary based on a number of variables, including the fish’s original quality, the storage environment, and how the salmon has been treated. 

Before eating or preparing salmon, always use your best judgement and senses to determine its freshness.

If there are any signs of spoilage, such as a strong fishy odour, sliminess, or discolouration, it is best to discard the salmon to avoid any potential foodborne illnesses.

Some Recipes for salmon on Blackstone;

Certainly! Here are a few different recipes for grilled salmon:

1. Lemon Herb Grilled Salmon on Blackstone:

– Ingredients:

  – Salmon fillets

  – Fresh lemon juice

  – Fresh herbs (such as dill, parsley, or thyme)

  – Salt and pepper

  – Olive oil

– Instructions:

  1. Set the grill’s temperature to medium-high.

  2. Brush the salmon fillets with olive oil and season them with salt and pepper.

  3. Place the fillets on the grill, skin side down, and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until the salmon is cooked through and has grill marks.

  4. In a small bowl, mix together the fresh lemon juice and chopped herbs.

  5. Once the salmon is cooked, remove the Salmon on Blackstone and drizzle the lemon herb mixture over the fillets.

  6. Serve the grilled salmon with additional lemon wedges, if desired.

2. Teriyaki Grilled Salmon on Blackstone:

– Ingredients:

  – Salmon fillets

  – Teriyaki sauce

  – Soy sauce

  – Honey

  – Minced garlic

  – Sesame seeds (optional)

  – Green onions (for garnish)

– Instructions:

  1. In a bowl, whisk together teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, honey, and minced garlic to make the marinade.

  2. Place the salmon fillets in a shallow dish or resealable bag and pour the marinade over them. Allow the salmon to marinate for at least 30 minutes, or up to overnight in the refrigerator.

  3. Preheat the grill to medium heat.

  4. Remove the salmon from the marinade and grill Salmon on Blackstone the fillets for about 4-6 minutes per side, or until the salmon flakes easily with a fork.

  5. While grilling, you can brush the fillets with some of the leftover marinades for added flavour.

  6. Once cooked, sprinkle the grilled salmon with sesame seeds (if desired) and garnish with chopped green onions before serving.

3. Spicy Cajun Grilled Salmon on Blackstone:

– Ingredients:

  – Salmon fillets

  – Cajun seasoning

  – Paprika

  – Garlic powder

  – Cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)

  – Salt and pepper

  – Olive oil

– Instructions:

  1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.

  2. In a small bowl, mix together the Cajun seasoning, paprika, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper.

  3. Brush the salmon fillets with olive oil and generously sprinkle the Cajun spice mixture on both sides of the fillets.

  4. Place the fillets on the grill and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until the salmon is cooked through.

  5. Remove the grilled salmon on Blackstone from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

These recipes offer different flavour profiles for grilled salmon, allowing you to choose the one that suits your taste preferences. Enjoy the tasty salmon you just cooked!

Frequently asked questions For Salmon on Blackstone;

Can I cook salmon on Blackstone griddle?

Salmon cooks well on the flat, smooth surface of Blackstone griddles. Salmon has to be thoroughly seasoned and greased before being placed on a Blackstone griddle in order to cook it.

Cook the fish on the griddle for two to three minutes on each side, or until it is well done.

How do I know when my salmon is done?

When cooked correctly, salmon should be flaky and have a hint of pink in the centre. 

Use a meat thermometer to verify if the fish is fully cooked if you’re not sure. 

The interior temperature of salmon should be 145 degrees Fahrenheit. (However, a lot of people like to eat it rare.)

How do you keep salmon on blackstone from sticking to the griddle? 

Use two spatulas to turn fish for the best results. First, tuck one spatula beneath the fillet’s centre. 

The fish should then be lifted and turned over with the aid of the other spatula. By using this technique, the fish is kept from adhering to the griddle and is guaranteed to cook equally on all sides.

Can salmon skin be eaten?

The skin of salmon is edible. Salmon skin that has become crispy is a common menu item at sushi restaurants. Salmon on Blackstone makes skin crispy. Omega 3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins are abundant in salmon skin!

Is frozen salmon good for you?

Salmon that has been frozen is nutritious and full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. Sockeye salmon or salmon from Alaska can occasionally only be obtained by having it sent to you frozen. The night before you intend to use the salmon, defrost it in the fridge.

 Should I cook the salmon’s skin side first?

Salmon on Blackstone makes skin crispy. I want salmon skin to become crispy, so I cook my skin side down first.

Here are my other recipes for your Blackstone, check and try them now:

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